Agigreen Consulting Corp Limited v National Irrigation Board [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court of Kenya at Nairobi, Milimani Law Courts, Commercial and Tax Division

Category: Civil

Judge(s): D. S. Majanja

Judgment Date: August 19, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary    Full Judgment     


Explore the Agigreen Consulting Corp Limited v National Irrigation Board [2020] eKLR case summary. Gain insights into key judicial outcomes and implications for future legal frameworks.

Case Brief: Agigreen Consulting Corp Limited v National Irrigation Board [2020] eKLR

1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Agigreen Consulting Corp Limited v. National Irrigation Board
- Case Number: Civil Case No. E252 of 2019
- Court: High Court of Kenya, Nairobi, Milimani Law Courts, Commercial and Tax Division
- Date Delivered: 19th August 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): D. S. Majanja
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issue presented before the court is whether the judgment entered against the National Irrigation Board in default of appearance and defense should be set aside due to improper service of summons.

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